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Working groups started meeting this month. The Water Law and Policy Working Group held its first meeting at the beginning of the week. Working groups, which will continue their activities for three months, are planned to report their results by the end of July. Then, the evaluation process of the council reports will begin. With the council, various measures will be determined and implemented in order to achieve targets such as reducing leakage in water, reusing water returning from irrigation, saving water by increasing individual awareness, increasing irrigation efficiency with piped network irrigation systems, and achieving efficiency in food production and agricultural revenue. Turkey's first Climate Council, organized by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, was opened in Konya. The opening of the 5-day Council was held with the Youth Session, where Minister Murat Kurum met with the university's climate envoy. Noting that climate migrations will create many difficult problems to solve by changing the demographic structure of many countries, and that no state alone has the power to stop it, the Minister said, ”There is a very critical threshold in front of the world. Promosyon kodu vawada aralık 2023.Verilen promosyon kod ile Garanti BBVA Mobil veya İnternet üzerinden yalnızca şahıs firması müşterilerimiz başvuruda bulunabilirler. Tüzel firma müşterilerimiz kredi başvurularını sadece şubelerimiz aracılığı ile yapabilirler. Juegos pa gratis online ruleta. phpBB , PHP online Bullettin Board’ın kısaltmasıdır.
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